The Telescopes - Hungry Audio Tapes - 33RPM

The Telescopes

Hungry Audio Tapes


Glass Modern

Genre: Rock
EAN: 5024545974317
Regular price €32,00

"Previously only available as a download and CD on the band's Bandcamp page, this is it's first appearance on vinyl. metal machine music... moody and alluring. edwin pouncey, the wire

beautiful, chaotic and compelling - genres are unimportant, the telescopes pay pigeonholes as much attention as pigeons do immigration officials. the telescopes are truly transcendental, they make the music they feel moved to when they feel moved to do so. This is why they can record a perfect pulse drone backwash like 'another sky' and equally why legions of allegedly cutting edge bands will rip off and run out with a diluted version within the next year. this is why 'household objective#2' is the coolest and scariest piece of electronica to surface since the BBC's radiophonic workshop got dr who off to a flier. the telescopes light a torch under the arse of a depressingly homogenized world, but don't follow theirs, light your own, it's what they'd prefer. Milky Clear Vinyl"