Mal one - Number 11 To The Worlds End - 33RPM

Mal one

Number 11 To The Worlds End


Punk Art Records

Genre: Punk
EAN: 5060135763824
Regular price €28,00
Record Store Day 2025 product and not available to pre-order. It will be available to buy in-shop from 8am on Saturday, 12/04/2025. Copies remaiining will be available to buy online from 8pm on Monday 14/04/2025.

Some Fme back just a_er then and before now, i was approached to work up a rough
working script for a Punk Rock film, based on a boys entre into the whole Punk Arena
and how it would affect his life. A loosely updated tale somewhere along the lines of
a ‘Punk Quadrophenia’.
A_er many stop / starts and we are waiFng for funding… etc, etc... and changing of
ideas. I thought I beXer just get on with it. I worked up twelve tracks and put an
opening script together for approval. Like some of the best made plans, as Fme
moved on, so did the theme and the iniFal rush of enthusiasm rolled on to
somewhere else.
A shame but lurking in the back of Punk Art studios the tapes were found and a bent
up copy of the working introducFon script. So here it is in all its rough and ready
glory. Who knows what might have been but here is some of what could have been…
hope you enjoy the idea.