Various Artists
Iron Mountain Analogue Research
222 (randomly inserted) ‘The Devil's Axeman’ SplaXer LPs / 222 (randomly inserted)
'Dante's Blood' Red LPs! / 222 (randomly inserted) ‘River BoXom’ Black LPs!
Down, Down, Deeper and Deeper...
Into the Darkest Underworld: the Secret Museum of ForgoXen Country Music
Presented here for the very first Fme are 18 NecroFc TribulaFons and dire Death Bed
RevelaFons: ExistenFal Funereal Laments, Hellfire Ill-Portents and pleading Death
Row Repents.
Years in the making – ‘Hillbillies In Hell: The Endless Sleep' presents a shadowy
Wunderkammer of Red Light RedempFons, blazing Armageddon HallucinaFons and
lysergic Skeletal CelebraFons.
Moments of true PoeFc Beauty amidst moments of Vice and cold VexaFon.