Gling Glo
Genre: Jazz
EAN: 5016958033910
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Gling-Gló is the first and only studio album by Björk Guðmundsdóttir & tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar, consisting of Björk Guðmundsdóttir on vocals, Guðmundur Ingólfsson on piano, Guðmundur Steingrímsson on drums, and Þórður Högnason on bass. “Gling-gló” is an Icelandic onomatopoeia whose English equivalent is “ding dong”, or the sound that a bell makes.
Several of these songs are covers of jazz standards translated and sung in Icelandic. Three are sung with a noticeably different musical arrangement: ‘Bílavísur’ (originally ‘The Blacksmith Blues’), ‘Ég veit ei hvað skal segia‘ (Theresa Brewer’s ‘Ricochet Romance’) and ‘Pabbi minn’ (‘O Mein Papa’).
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